Evolving an iconic brand.


UX Strategy & Design

We partnered with Rogers’ design, product and development teams on an 8-month engagement to

  • Lead a redesign of their core customer facing web properties - and

  • Expand the use of Design Thinking and other customer-first methodologies in the product and service development process

  • Help build a state-of-the-art Design System to ensure consistency and enable efficiency in the design and development process.

Design Systems & Frameworks

We worked with their teams to implement best-in-class tools, processes, and frameworks. This collaboration resulted in much more than two new websites. It helped to transform the way their teams saw themselves, how they worked together, and how they aligned to best serve the customer and meet business objectives.

The Design System Rogers developed utilizes an atomic design structure, provides company-wide access to the latest design patterns via Sketch and InVision’s DSM and links elements in the UI Kit directly to coded modules. With the new Design System, all designers are using the same set of components in their new designs and developers are using the same set of existing modules.


Rogers is evolving quickly into a digital-first leader in their industry. 17seconds is proud to have partnered with them on such an important part of their journey. Key outcomes from the engagement include:

  • The complete redesign of two web sites that served as a catalyst for activating Rogers’ broader digital transformation through the lens of customer journeys

  • A Design System that empowers teams with the resources, guidance, and efficiencies to support Rogers’ digital transformation

  • A broader utilization of Design Thinking tools and frameworks to inject a customer-first mindset into their standard operating procedures.

See what you can build with 17seconds.